Supporter portal beta II documentation

What’s included in this Beta? 

Available features for self-serve payment management: 

  • Donors can see all of their active recurring donations
  • Donors can edit the payment method on file for any active recurring donation (NationBuilder Payments only)  
  • Donors can cancel their recurring donations
  • Members can see all of their memberships, past and present 
  • Members can update the payment method used to pay dues for a given membership (NationBuilder Payments only) 
  • Members can cancel their memberships (which, for paid memberships, will be canceled at the end of their current term) 

Control panel user controls for the supporter portal interface and management options:

  • Enable/disable the supporter portal under nation settings
  • Enable/disable individual sections of the portal under supporter portal settings
  • Configure a logo, portal name, and organization-level contact information for the supporter portal 
  • Enable/disable the ability for donors and/or members to cancel their recurring payments 
  • Limit access to supporter portal settings by permission set 

What’s not included? 

  • Logging for donation/membership cancellations via the portal (activities will be recorded for cancelations as usual, but the source of the cancelation will not be specified) 
  • Portal branding beyond a logo setting 
  • Supporter confirmation notification emails 
  • Links to the portal automatically included in autoresponse emails or on websites 
  • A preview mode including fake donations

Configure my account so I can see how this will work for my donors/members? 

  1. If you have an active recurring donation and/or membership associated with the email you typically use to login, skip to step 2.

    Otherwise, set up a recurring donation for yourself or a test profile that you create (you can do this from within your control panel). If you want to test membership functionality, you will need to also give yourself a membership. A paid membership can only be configured by signing up on a page that assigns memberships, but you will be able to see free memberships in the portal too! 

    If you don’t want to start a real recurring contribution, you can configure a second payment processor that you put into “Testing mode” and then start your recurring payment or paid membership through a donation page tied to your test processor.
  2. Once you’ve been added to the Beta, the portal will automatically be enabled under Settings > Nation defaults > Basic. Go to Settings > Supporter portal > Settings and select “Enable donation management” and/or “Enable membership management”
  3. Click on the “View portal” tab to open up the portal in a new window.
    Note: You will only see your own active recurring donations or memberships. If you don’t have either, your portal view will be empty (Step 1). If you don’t have either section enabled, you will see a 404 error.



What settings do I have available to me? 

Section settings

  1. Enable donation management: Turn on the donation section of the portal
  2. Enable membership management: Turn on the membership section of the portal 

Appearance settings

  1. Organization logo: Upload a logo to represent your organization. Square images work best. 
  2. Logo url: When someone clicks on your logo image in the portal, which website should they land on? 
  1. Title: The name of your portal (usually your organization name) 
  2. Business/Tax ID: If provided, your Tax ID will display in the upper-right of your portal
  3. Date format: What format should your supporters see dates listed in? 

Footer settings

  1. Contact information: Your email address, phone number, and mailing address will be pulled from the details provided under Contacts and billing > Contacts > Account contact in your nation. You may replace these fields or leave them blank if you don’t want to have a “Contact us” section in your footer.
  2. Terms/Privacy URLs: Where relevant, we suggest including a link to the terms of service for your organization and your privacy policy in your footer. These fields are optional. 
  3. Additional information: If you want to include any information in your footer aside from your contact information, you can add custom text here. 


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